Increasingly, passionate collectors have been searching for objects that bring to mind the dynamic spirit of the 1800s and the early 20th century. Cigar box labels, a pioneering form of brand advertising, are an important legacy of the lifestyles and cultural heritage of a great and golden age gone by.

PAYNE-MASON has assembled the world's foremost collection of rare cigar box label art. This treasure of richly gilded and embossed artifacts, each with its share of history, will soon be offered to the public.

As a special opportunity for the discerning collector, PAYNE-MASON will be inviting selected individuals to view and purchase pre-release portfolios of these works. These beautiful custom leather bound portfolios impressively display and protect your investment.

There are four initial offerings in the FOUNDERS' SERIES. Please contact PAYNE-MASON regarding portfolio details and availability.

2500 Series 4000 Series 6000 Series 10000 Series